Buffalo Meat

In the last one-year three new export-oriented units of buffalo, and meat processing have been approved and are reportedly under implementation. In addition, there are few animal casing units engaged in collecting cleaning, grading and exporting sheep and goat and cattle guts.

India is having largest livestock population including Buffaloes, Sheep & Goats, Pigs and Poultry, which are generally used for the production of meat products.
The individual products under this sub-head are as below:
HSCode Product HSCode Product
02023000 Boneless Meat Of Bovine Animals, Frozen 02069090 Other Edible Offals, Frozen
02062900 Others Edibal Offals Of Bovine Animals, Frozen 02021000 Carcasses And Half Carcasses Of Meat Of Bovine Animals, Frozen
02013000 Boneless Meat Of Bovine Animals, Fresh And Chilled 02022000 Other Cut With Bone In Meat Of Bovine Animals, Frozen
02062200 Livers Of Bovine Animals, Frozen 02102000 Meat And Edible Meat Offal Of Bovine Animals
02062100 Tongues Of Bovine Animals, Frozen 02011000 Carcasses And Half Carcasses Of Meat Of Bovine Animals, Fresh And Chilled
02061000 Edible Offal Of Bovine Animals, Fresh Or Chilled 02012000 Other Cut With Bone In Meat Of Bovine Animals, Fresh And Chilled
(Source: DGCIS)
Areas of Production:
  • The major areas for Buffalo Meat production are Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Punjab.
India Facts and Figures:
  • The country has exported 1,295,603.15 MT of buffalo meat products to the world for the worth of Rs.31,010.10 Crores/ 3,740.53 USD Millions during the year 2023-24. (Source: DGCIS)
Major Export Destinations (2023-24): Malaysia, Vietnam, Egypt, Iraq and UAE. (Source: DGCIS)