
The albumins are a family of globular proteins, the most common of which is serum albumin. The albumin family consists of all water-soluble proteins that are moderately soluble in concentrated salt solutions, and experience heat denaturation. Albumins are commonly found in blood plasma and are unique from other blood proteins in that they are not glycosylated. Substances containing albumins, such as egg white, and milk are called albuminoids.
India Facts and Figures:
The country has exported 2038.98 MT of Albumin to the world for the worth of Rs. 173.06 Crores/ 20.93 USD Millions during the year 2023-24. (Source: DGCIS)
Major Export Destinations (2023-24) : Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Malaysia. (Source: DGCIS)
The individual products under this sub-head are as below:
HSCode Product HSCode Product
35021100 Dried (Egg Albumin ) 35021900 Other (Egg Albumin )
35022000 Milk Albumin Incldng Concentrates Of Two Or More Whey Proteins 35029000 Other Albuminates & Other Albumin Drvtvs
((Source: DGCIS))