India is the world's second-largest producer of Rice, Wheat and other cereals. The huge demand for cereals in the global market is creating an excellent environment for the export of Indian cereal products. In 2008, India imposed a ban on the export of rice and wheat, etc to meet domestic needs. Now, seeing the huge demand in the global market and the country's surplus production, India has lifted the ban, but only a limited amount of export of the commodity is allowed.
India's cereals, including rice, wheat, maize, barley, and millets, are esteemed for their exceptional quality, making them highly competitive in the global market.
India is bestowed with several agro-climatic zones conducive to the production of sensitive and delicate floriculture products. During the decade after liberalization floriculture industries took giant steps in the export arena. This era has seen a dynamic shift from sustenance production to commercial production.
India's diverse climate ensures the availability of all varieties of fresh fruits & vegetables. It ranks second in fruits and vegetable production in the world, after China. As per National Horticulture Database (1st Advance Estimates) published by National Horticulture Board 2023-24, India produced11.21 million metric tonnes of fruits and 209.39 million metric tonnes of vegetables. The area under cultivation of fruits stood at 7.15 million hectares while vegetables ...
India's diverse climate ensures the availability of all varieties of fresh fruits & vegetables. It ranks second in fruits and vegetable production in the world, after China.
The food processing sector is one of the largest sectors in India in terms of production, growth, consumption, and export. India's food processing sector covers fruit and vegetables, spices, meat and poultry, milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages, fisheries, plantation, grain processing and other consumer product groups like confectionery, chocolates and cocoa products soya-based products, mineral water, high protein foods, etc. Since liberalization in August 1991.
Besides this, Govt. has also approved proposals for joint ventures, foreign collaboration, industrial licenses and 100% export-oriented units envisaging an investment. The foreign direct investment in food processing sector in 2023-24 is estimated to be 5037 crores/608 USD Million.
Animal Products play an important role in the socio-economic life of India. It is a rich source of high-quality animal products such as milk, meat and eggs. India has emerged as the largest producer of milk with a 24 percent share in Total Milk Production in the world in 2022. India accounts for about 7.25 percent of the Global Egg Production in 2021 and has the largest population of milch animals in the world, with 109.85 million buffaloes, 148.88 million goats and 74.26 million sheeps in 2019.
The growth rate recorded was highest for Sheep 14.13 per cent followed by Goat 10.14 per cent and Buffalo 1.06 per cent during 2012 to 2019.
Indian millets are a group of nutritiously rich, drought tolerant and mostly grown in the arid and semi-arid regions of India. They are small-seeded grasses belonging to the botanical family Poaceae. They constitute an important source of food and fodder for millions of resource-poor farmers and play a vital role in ecological and economic security of India. These millets are also known as "coarse cereals" or "cereals of the poor". Indian Millets are nutritionally superior to wheat and rice as they are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.
They are also gluten-free and have a low glycemic index, making them ideal for people with celiac disease or diabetes.
Organic products are grown under a system of agriculture without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with an environmentally and socially responsible approach. This is a method of farming that works at grass root level preserving the reproductive and regenerative capacity of the soil, good plant nutrition, and sound soil management, produces nutritious food rich in vitality which has resistance to diseases.
India is bestowed with lot of potential to produce all varieties of organic products due to its various agro climatic conditions.
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.), one of the most important cash crops introduced to India in 16th century by Portuguese. In India, Cashew was initially introduced in Goa and further expanded to other states. As a resilient and drought resistant tree that is adaptable to poor soil conditions, it offers environmental benefits in the fight to combat deforestation and soil erosion hence it is known as Gold Mine of Waste Land.
In 2022, India ranks second globally in the export of Cashew Nuts Fresh/Dried Shelled (HS Code: 080132), holding an 8.72% market share also India is the world's second-largest importer of Cashew Nuts Fresh/Dried In Shell (HS Code: 080131).
Peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) is a species in the legume or "bean" - (Fabaceae) family. The peanut was probably first domesticated and cultivated in the valleys of Paraguay. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing 30 to 50 cm (1.0 to 1.6 ft) tall. The leaves are opposite, pinnate with four leaflets (two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet), each leaflet 1 to 7 cm (0.3 to 2 inches) long and 1 to 3 cm (0.3 to 1 inch) broad.
Peanuts are known by many other local names such as earthnuts, ground nuts, goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts. Despite its name and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a legume.
An alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers, wines and spirits. Today, Indian beer is brewed at various places in the country and is mainly top-fermented. Indian rums have developed a reputation for smoothness and flavors. The demand for India's Alcoholic Beverages products like Beer Made from Malt in India is increasing due to increasing income level.
Wine, White Wine, Other Wine Included Grapes, Other Alcoholic Beverages, Brandy, Whiskies, Rum, gin and other Gin, etc. have increased in the global market. India is the third-largest market for alcoholic beverages in the world.